Thursday, May 31, 2007


The Siddha's, or "perfected ones" developed a system of all sciences known as the Siddha system
which can be traced to the pre-vedic period. The word "Siddha" is derived from its root, "siddhi"
which generally refers to the perfection of the aims of yogic self discipline, or to one
of the eight kinds of supernatural powers attainable by man.

Gordon Michael Scallion channeled.
" The Lemurians were like thought projections - not physically solid.
It made them higher in frequency and closer to the Creator's energy vibration level".

The Siddhas were scientists, particularly in their investigations into chemistry, astronomy, plants, human anatomy and physiology. They applied their extraordinary powers, developed through intensive yogis practices, to research these areas on atomic and universal levels without the use of sophisticated equipment. In the long linege of Siddhas, one does not know when they came into earth's existance. Whether they still exist or
are they Ascended masters teaching humanity the various sciences
and philosophy, will perhaps, be never known.

The Lemurian Knowledge.

Ancient Tamil literature known as the Sangam existed for a considerable period.
The 9th century A.D. grammatical work, the Iraiyanar Urai narrates its history. The Pandiyan kings
founded three Sangams. The Siddha Agastyar was the head of the first and second Sangams.

The shifting of the Pandiyan capital after the deluge of Kavatapuram is a probable historical fact. The change of the capital of the Pandiyan kings is confirmed by other literary references and corroborated by the Roman writer Pliny, in the second century B.C., who refers to the transfer of the capital from Korkai to Madurai. The sea swallowed approximately 1,000 miles of the Pandyan territory, this lost territory was known as "Yanainadu". The seat of the second Sangam, Kavatapuram, is mentioned in the Ramayana and the Arthasastra of Kautaliya.

Were the Tamil Sangams written 200m years ago, when all the continents were clustered together
in a “supercontinent” known as Pangaea. "Gondwanaland" southern half of this landmass,
the part that includes modern-day Africa, Australia, South America, Antarctica
and India.
Were they the gaints of "Easter Islands" these Lemurians Siddhas
who left behind a heritage of all the sciences?

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